Endangered Animal Species In Puerto Ric | TropiNaturals
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Image by Suzanne D. Williams

Endangered Animal Species
In Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico, being a Caribbean island, is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Unfortunately, many of its endemic species are endangered due to habitat loss, hunting, and the introduction of non-native species. Here are some of the endangered animals in Puerto Rico:

  1. Puerto Rican Parrot: The Puerto Rican Parrot is one of the most endangered birds in the world, with only around 200 individuals left in the wild. They are found only in the El Yunque National Forest and the Rio Abajo State Forest.

  2. Leatherback Turtle: The Leatherback Turtle is the largest of all living turtles and is critically endangered in Puerto Rico. They are primarily threatened by the loss of nesting beaches due to coastal development.

  3. West Indian Manatee: The West Indian Manatee is an endangered species in Puerto Rico due to habitat loss and accidental death from boat strikes.

  4. Humpback Whale: The Humpback Whale is an endangered species in Puerto Rico due to hunting and accidental entanglement in fishing gear.

  5. Coqui Guajón Rock Frog: The Coqui Guajón Rock Frog is an endangered species found only in Puerto Rico's Cordillera Central mountains. Habitat loss, non-native species, and climate change threaten this species.

  6. Elfin Woods Warbler: The Elfin Woods Warbler is a critically endangered bird species found only in Puerto Rico's El Yunque National Forest. Habitat loss and the introduction of non-native species threaten this species.

  7. Puerto Rican Boa: The Puerto Rican Boa is an endangered snake species found only in Puerto Rico's forests. Habitat loss, hunting, and the introduction of non-native species threaten this species.

Efforts are being made by conservation organizations and the government of Puerto Rico to protect these endangered species and their habitats.





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