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Image by Jason Pepino

The extinction of even a single species, like those on this list of endangered fauna and flora, can disrupt the delicate balance of an ecosystem, threatening the survival of countless other species that rely on it.

Endangered Flora Species In Puerto Rico

Here is a more comprehensive list of some of the endangered plant species in Puerto Rico:

  • Palma de Sierra (Sierran Palm)

  • Mangle de Ciénaga (Swamp Mangrove)

  • Jagüey de Estero (Estuary Ficus)

  • Guayacán de Sierra (Sierra Lignum Vitae)

  • Cedro de Sierra (Sierra Mahogany)

  • Pau Loco (Crazy Stick)

  • Cupey de Sierra (Sierra Cupey)

  • Bobo de Sierra (Sierra Bobo)

  • Romero de Sierra (Sierra Rosemary)

  • Mangle Plateado (Silver Buttonwood)

  • Caimitillo de Sierra (Sierra Star Apple)

  • Majagua de Ciénaga (Swamp Hibiscus)

  • Sabino de Sierra (Sierra Sabino)

  • Granadillo de Sierra (Sierra Granadillo)

  • Caoba de Sierra (Sierra Mahogany)

  • Higüerillo de Sierra (Sierra Higuerillo)

  • Helecho de Sierra (Sierra Fern)

  • Laurel de Sierra (Sierra Laurel)

  • Cedro (West Indian Mahogany)

  • Capá Prieto (Shiny-Leaf Privet)

  • Guácima (West Indian Elm)

  • Mirto (West Indian Bay)

  • Guayaba de Monte (Mountain Guava)

  • Vara de San Antonio (Angel's Trumpet)

  • Café Cimarrón (Wild Coffee)


This is not an exhaustive list of endangered plant species in Puerto Rico.

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